1. Prohibition of use of vehicles painted in army green.
2. Penalties, etc.
3. Reclaiming of impounded vehicles.
4. Interpretation.
5. Short title.
Specifications of colour referred to in section 1
An Act to prohibit the use of army green colour (as specified in the Schedule) by vehicles other than Nigerian Army vehicles.
[Commencement.] [4th April, 1977]
1. Prohibition of use of vehicles painted in army green
As from the commencement of this Act, it shall be unlawful for any person to drive or be in charge of any motor vehicle (not being a motor vehicle belonging to the Nigerian Army) painted in the colour specified in the Schedule to this Act.
2. Penalties, etc.
(1) Any person who contravenes the provisions of section 1 of this Act is guilty of an offence and liable on conviction to a fine of N200 or imprisonment not exceeding six months or to both such fine and imprisonment.
(2) Any motor vehicle operated in contravention of section 1 of this Act shall be liable to seizure as prescribed in subsection (3) below.
(3) Any police officer may seize or cause to be seized any motor vehicle operated as aforesaid and remove such vehicle to any premises under the control of the Government of the Federation of a State or of a Local Government or any agency of any such government; and-
(a) any police officer or any other person acting in pursuance of this subsection shall not be liable for any damage reasonably necessary for the purpose of seizing or removing the vehicle or of gaining access to any part of it in order to facilitate such seizure or removal;
(b) any Government or agency thereof shall not be liable for any damage attributable to sun, rain, wind or other physical conditions or for loss attributable to the foregoing or to the acts of third parties.
3. Reclaiming of impounded vehicles
Any motor vehicle impounded pursuant to this Act shall be released to the rightful owner thereof or to any other person who tenders to the official in charge of the premises referred to in section 2 (3) of this Act sufficient evidence of his entitlement to the custody of the vehicle if such claimant produces a letter under the hand of a superior police officer certifying that arrangements satisfactory to that superior police officer have been made to have the vehicle re-painted forthwith in a colour other than the colour specified in the Schedule to this Act.
4. Interpretation
(1) In this Act unless the context otherwise requires-
“motor vehicle” means a mechanically propelled vehicle intended or adapted for use on roads;
“the Nigerian Army” means the body of that name set up under the Armed Forces Act.
[Cap. A20.]
(2) In this Act, references to a vehicle include references to any trailer or other thing attached to the vehicle but do not include references to the contents of the vehicle.
5. Short title
This Act may be cited as the Army Colour (Prohibition of Use) Act.
[Sections 1 and 3.]
Specification of Colour referred to in section 1
(a) Nomenclature;
Paint Finishing Quick Drying.
Enamel Vehicle High Spraying.
Nigerian Army Deep Bronze Green.
(b) Army Code;
HI/HA 8101-99-910-6730.
(c) Manufacturer’s code and Range Groupings;
All shades of green within-
(i) Range: BS 4800-BS 38IC 1964;
(ii) Group B-C;
(iii) Code: 12B.29-298;
(iv) Munsellref2.5GY2/2-10GY ¾.
No Subsidiary Legislation