1. Short title.
2. Establishment of the Hospital.
3. Establishment of the Board.
4. Composition, functions, etc., of the Board.
An Act to provide for the establishment of a Teaching Hospital and for a Board of Management for the hospital.
[26 of 1952. lOaf 1954, 32 (2) and (3). Schedule 16 of 1954. 3 of 1955. 10 of 1956.
L.N. 131 of 1954.120 of 1957.]
1. Short title
[16th October, 1952]
This Act may be cited as the University College Hospital Act.
2. Establishment of the hospital
There shall be established at lbadan a teaching hospital to be known as the University
College Hospital, which shall be capable of providing such facilities as are usually provided in medical schools forming part of a university for the instruction of medical students in such subjects as are usually taught in such schools.
3. Establishment of the Board
There shall be established for the management of the hospital a Board of Management to be known as the University College Hospital Board of Management, which shall be a body corporate with perpetual succession and a common seal, and may in its corporate
name sue and be sued and, for and in connection with the purposes of this Act, may acquire, hold and dispose of movable and immovable property.
4. Composition, functions, etc., of the Board
The composition, functions and powers of the Board established under section 3 of
this Act shall be as provided for in the University Teaching Hospitals (Reconstitution of Board, etc.) Act.
[Cap. U15.)
List of Subsidiary Legislation
1. Medical Laboratory Trainees Regulations.
2. University College Hospital (Hospital Fees) Regulations.
[L.N. 76 of 1958.]
under sections 4 and 16
[10th April, 1958]
1. Short title
These Regulations may be cited as the Medical Laboratory Trainees Regulations.
2. Students in medical laboratory technology
It shall be permissible for the University College Hospital to accept nominees of the
State governments or of the Federal Government as students in medical laboratory technology.
3. Fees
There shall be payable by the Government concerned an amount of N200 per annum in respect of each such student and a proportion thereof in respect of any portion of a year.
[L.N. 42 of 1973.]
under sections 7, 14 (3) of Cap. U1 and section 4
1. Fees chargeable
[3rd July, 1973]
The University College Hospital shall charge the fees specified in the Schedule to these Regulations in respect of the facilities referred to in the said Schedule.
2. Short title
These Regulations may be cited as the University College Hospital (Hospital Fees) Regulations.
[Regulation I.] PART I
A. Exemption from all charges
1. No charges shall be paid under Part I of this Schedule for accommodation, maintenance or medical or nursing attention, by patients in the following categories-
(a) members of the staff (both established and unestablished) employed by the University College Hospital, their wives and children;
(b) persons certified as paupers by the Head Medical Social Worker;
(c) persons receiving treatment or advice for pulmonary tuberculosis or incurable malignant disease;
(d) persons who, on the certification of the head of the department concerned are admit- ted into the hospital solely for the purpose of specialised research;
(e) the holder of a post in the permanent establishment of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Ibadan.
B. I
Charges for maintenance and accommodation only
Charges for maintenance and accommodation only shall be levied on the persons listed below-
(a) members of the medical, dental, para-medical and nursing professions employed in their professional capacities by the Governments of the Federation and mission hospitals;
(b) all children under the age of sixteen years (with the exception of charges made for spectacles and dentures);
(c) a member of the Board of Management of University College Hospital, his wife and children;
(d) the servants of officers holding senior appointments in the University College Hospital.
Charges for accommodation and maintenance of persons referred to above shall be at the following daily rates-
Any patient-
N k (i) whose income exceeds N7,000 per annum……………………………………………………………………….. 4.00
(ii) whose income exceeds N 4,000 per annum but does not exceed
N7,000………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 3.00
(iii) whose income exceeds N 2,000 per annum but does not exceed
N4,000………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 2.00
(iv) whose income exceeds N 1,000 per annum but does not exceed
N2,000………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 1.00
(y) whose income does not exceed N 1 ,000 per annum …………………………………… 50k
Children under sixteen years, school children and students undergoing full-time education shall be charged at half the rates applicable to adult patients.
Charges for treatment, accommodation and maintenance
Charges at the following daily rates shall be paid by all other in-patients in respect of accommodation, maintenance and treatment inclusive of charges for medical and nursing attention-
Any patient-
N k (i) whose income exceeds N 7,000 per annum………………………………………………………. 8.00
(ii) whose income exceeds N 4,000 per annum but does not exceed
N 7,000………………………………………………………………………………………….. 6.00
(iii) whose income exceeds N 2,000 per annum but does not exceed
N 4,000………………………………………………………………………………………….. 4.00
(iv) whose income exceeds N 1,000 per annum but does not exceed
N 2,000………………………………………………………………………………………….. 2.00
(v) whose income does not exceed N 1 ,000 per annum………………………… 1.00
NOT E.-After 30 days, fees under B. I and B. II above are to be reduced as following for long staying patients-
(a) after 30 days, fees are to be reduced to 50 per cent of normal
(b) charges;
after 90 days, fees are to be reduced to 25 per cent of normal charges.
Amenity beds
Inclusive charges for medical and nursing attention, accommodation and maintenance shall be levied on all persons admitted to private wards at their own request (and irrespective of whether they are included in any of the categories in section A and B above) at the daily rate of N 1 0.
Charges for maternity cases
The following additional charges shall be levied on in-patients whether or not occupying an amenity bed but not on in-patients under section A (a) who are to pay 50 per cent of the charges-
Any patient-
(i) whose income exceeds N 7,000 per annum ……………………………
(ii) whose income exceeds N 4,000 per annum but does not exceed N7,000 …………………………………………
(iii) whose income exceeds N 2,000 per annum but does not exceed N 4,000 ………………………..
(iv) whose income exceeds N 1,000 per annum but does not exceed N2,000 ………………………………
(v) whose income does not exceed N 1 ,000 per annum ………………..
Charges for surgical cases
The following additional charges shall be levied on in-patients whether or not occupying an amenity bed but not on in-patients under section A or B. I (a) and (b) of these Regulations-
Any patient-
(i) whose income exceeds N 7,000 per annum ……………
(ii) whose income exceeds N 4,000 per annum but does not exceed N 7,000 ………………………………………………… .
(iii) whose income exceeds N 2,000 per annum but does not exceed N 4,000 ………………………………………………… .
(iv) whose income exceeds NI ,000 per annum but does not exceed N 2,000 ………………………………………………… .
(v) whose income does not exceed N 1,000 per annum .. .
Provided that charges are made not more than twice for patients operated upon on more than two occasions during the course of one admission.
For the purposes of this regulation “Major” and “Other” operations are the operations respectively so described in the Schedule to these Regulations and any other kind of operation which
the House Governor may from time to time classify as falling under one of these headings.
Charges for patients from outside Nigeria
Inclusive charges for medical and nursing attention, accommodation and maintenance shall be levied on all persons (not being citizens of, or employed in, the Federal Republic of Nigeria) admitted into hospital irrespective of whether or not they are included in sections A (b) and (d) above.
The daily rate charge shall be N20 excluding cost of Surgical operations, etc.
Charges for special appliances
Charges for all appliances including artificial limbs supplied to any patient by the hospital shall be at cost price.
In case of people who fall ill while attending conferences organised in Nigeria, either by the hospital or the University of Ibadan, charges shall be made both as out-patients and in-patients. In-patients will be charged at the rate of N10 a day.
Charges for non-standard diet
An additional charge of N1 per day shall be levied on all in-patients who elect to have wholly or in part a non-standard diet. This additional charge shall be made regardless of the income of patients and whether they are included in any of the categories in section A or B above.
A. Exemption from charges
No charges shall be paid under this part of this Schedule for out-patients treatment of any kind by the persons detailed in sections A and B. I of Part I of these Regulations.
B. Charges shall be levied on all other persons as follows-
(i) General out-patients-On first attendance a fee of 50k will be charged to cover all treatment for one week from the date of payment.
A further charge of 50k will be made for each subsequent period of one week or part thereof.
(ii) Casualty department-Medical attendance- Between 7.00 a.m. and 5.00 p.m. 50k on first attendance;
(b) Between 5 p.m. and 7 a.m. N I on first attendance provided that the medical officer on duty shall have power to authorise payment of the normal charge of 50k in cases of trauma and medical emergencies;
(c) For non-emergency cases on Sundays and public holidays N I on first attendance.
The payment of the prescribed fee will be valid for treatment for a period of one week, or part thereof in either casualty or the G.O.P. department.
Operations for out-patient day cases will be at the following rates- Any patient-
(a) whose income exceeds N 7,000 per annum ……………………………….. N10
(b) whose income exceeds N 4,000 per annum but does not exceed N 7,000 6
(c) whose income exceeds N 2,000 per annum but does not exceed N 4,000 6
(d) whose income exceeds N 1,000 per annum but does not exceed N 2,000 4
(e) whose income does not exceed N I ,000 per annum ……………………. 2
(iii) Patients referred to consultant clinics (including those referred directly from casualty general out-patient, outside hospitals or medical practitioners).
Any patient-
(a) whose income exceeds N 7,000 per annum……………………………………….. 10
(b) whose income exceeds N 4,000 per annum but does not exceed N 7,000 8
(c) whose income exceeds N 2,000 per annum but does not exceed N 4,000 6
(d) whose income exceeds N I ,000 per annum but does not exceed N 2,000 4
(e) whose income does not exceed N 1,000 per annum…………………………… 2
NOTE.-This charge to cover attendance at consultant clinic for the first month.
Patients continuing to attend consultant clinics after a month shall pay half the above charges for each month except those with incomes of under N 1,000 who will pay the same as general out- patients, i.e. 5Ok for each week (attendance).
NOTE.-If a patient is referred to two out-patient clinics, he will have to pay at the two clinics.
(iv) The payments stated in paragraphs (i) and (ii) may be deferred at the discretion
of the doctor or sister in charge at the time of attendance of a seriously ill patient. In such a case, the charge becomes payable at the time of the next visit.
(v) Ante-natal clinic-A fee of N10 will be payable at the time of booking to cover all attendances during pregnancy and attendance at the post-natal clinic until
discharged. The fee charged will not include maintenance or delivery in hospital, for which the charges laid down in section B of Part I of these Regulations will be applicable.
(vi) The following additional charges shall be levied on all outpatients irrespective of the attendance fees they may have paid under section B (I)-(III) above for services outlined at (a)-(g) below-
(a) Radiological services-N
(i) For each routine x-ray …………………………………………………….. . 1
(ii) For each minor special examination ……………… 5
(iii) For each major special examination ……………………………… 10
(iv) X-ray examination and report for outside agencies………………………. 10
(v) For reporting on outside agencies x-ray films …………………. 2
(b) Physiotherapy services-
(i) For physiotherapy treatment for one week or part thereof……………. 1
(ii) Provided that a complete course of treatment shall not exceed………. 16
(iii) Charges for plaster of Paris, etc. (immobilising appliances)…………….. 2
(iv) Charges for cervical collar …………………………………………………. . 1
(v) Charges for cervical collar (children)………………………………………………. 0.50
(vi) Aeroplane splints for children plaster………………………………………. 1
(vii) Aeroplane splints for children plastic……………………………………… 1
A deposit of N 3 shall be charged for a pair of crutches. If they are returned in good condition within a period of six months, there will be a refund of N I.50k. After a period of six months, the deposit is forfeited.
(c) Pathological services- N
(i) For each examination (per unit) provided that the maximum amount
to be charged for a single examination shall not exceed N 10………… 1
The number of units depends on the complexity of the test as shown in the Appendix.
(d) Ophthalmic services-
Refraction………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 2
(e) Pharmaceutical services-
Expensive drugs ………………………………………… 25 per cent of cost
Medium ……………………………………………………. 20 per cent of cost
Cheap ……………………………………………………….. Full cost
The classification of drugs under this heading in the Appendix.
(f) Injections-
For each injection administered in hospital ………………………………………..20k The fees for all the injections must be paid in advance.
(g) Mortuary-
Charges for keeping corpses of persons who died not as in-patients of the hospital in the mortuary are as follows-
For the first week or part thereof……………………………………………………….. 14
For each day thereafter………………………………………………………………………. 3
Simple embalming…………………………………………………………………………….. 25
In the case of in-patients who died in the hospital, the above charges shall apply after 7 (seven) days of death.
1. Fees payable by an in-patient shall be assessed on the basis of the income of such patient; a married woman shall be charged at the rate applicable to her husband or according to her own income, whichever may be higher.
2. Except where otherwise provided, payment of fees is required to be made as follows-
(i) All sums due from out-patients must be paid before patients are allowed to see the medical officer in the clinic except in cases of medical emergencies.
(ii) Patients admitted are required to pay a deposit equal to the assessed charge for a 14 day stay in the hospital but in exceptional cases the house governor may authorise deposit for a lesser period. Subsequent accounts are to be raised weekly in advance; if the final total charge is less than the deposit, the balance shall be refunded to the patient.
(iii) Payment for services to be rendered to outside agencies must be made before such services are rendered in the laboratories, etc.: Provided that in the case of government hospitals, this stipulation may be waived at
the discretion of the House Governor as long as previous debts have been settled.
3. All sums received by the hospital authority shall be paid into the account of the hospital and shown in the annual financial accounts of the hospital. No department is allowed to receive fees for services rendered on behalf of the hospital.
4. Any person who considers that his income has been assessed at an excessive figure shall have the right of appeal to the house governor against such assessment.
5. Notwithstanding anything contained in Parts I, II and III of these Regulations, the house governor may waive or reduce the fees chargeable if he is satisfied that in all the circumstances of the case the financial position of the person warrants such a waiver or reduction.
6. A senior appointment in the University College Hospital for the purpose of these Regulations is one carrying an initial basic salary of N 2, 140 per annum or more.
Expensive drugs – 25 per cent of cost
Antibiotics (Colomycin, Ampicillin, Cloxacillin, Erythromycin, Nystatin, Fucidin, Lincomycin, Spectinomycin)
Antihypertensives (Methyldopa, Debrisoquine) Anti-inflarnatory (Brufen)
Antileprotics (Lamprene) Antiobesity (Ponderax, Lucofen)
Asthmatic preparations (Isoprenaline Spray, Ventolin Tabs and Spray Medihaler) Chemotherapeutics (Septrin)
Corticosteroids (Oral) Hydrocortisone, Cortisone
Corticosteroids (Topical) Synalar, Betnoviate, Vioform (with Hydrocortisone) Decongestant nasal sprays (Tyzine)
Cytotoxics and Antitumour (Methotrexate, Purinethol, Natulan) Vincristine Psychotropics (Surmontil, Melleril, Sinequan, Nobrium)
Urinary Antiseptics (Naladixic Acid)
Cheap drugs – full cost
Analgesics Antacids Anthelmintics Antidiarrhoeals Antimalarials Antipyretics
Cough Expectorants and Sedatives
Calenical Mixtures (B.P.C. and B.N.F.)
Iron Tabs (see exceptions under medium price drugs) Laxatives
Vitamin Tabs/Caps
APPENDIX I—continued
Medium price drugs – 50 per cent of cost
Antibiotics (with the exception of drugs listed under Expensive Drugs) Anticoagulants
Anticonvulsants Antidepressi ves Antiemetics Antihistamines
Anthypertensives (with the exception of drugs listed under Expensive Drugs) Antileprotics
Antiseptics Antispasmodics Antitubercular Asthmatics Cardiac reactants
Dermatological Preparations (with the exception of drugs listed under Expensive Drugs) Diuretics
Filaricides Hypnotics
Hypoglycaemics (Oral) Hypoglycaemics (Parentral)
Ophthalmic Preparations (with the exception of drugs listed under Expensive Drugs) Sedatives
Sui phanomides
Thyroid and Antithyroid preparations
Tranquillisers (with the exception of drugs listed under Expensive Drugs) Ear/Nose Preparations (with the exception of drugs listed under Expensive Drugs) Pancreatic Extracts (Oral)
Urinary Antiseptics (with the exception of drugs listed under Expensive Drugs)
Chest X-Rays Abdomen X-Rays, etc.
Classification of radiological examinations
A. Routine plain films
B. Minor special procedures
Oral Cholecystogram Intravenous Cholecystogram Fistalogram
Venograms Sinogram Barium Swallow Barium Meal Barium Enema
Cystogram Dacrocystogram
Hystero-Saplingogram All Angiograms Pneumoencephalogram Air Ventriculogram Spenoportograms Pelvic Pneumogram Tomogram
Chemical pathology-
C. Major special procedures
Pathological examinations
CSF or Blood Sugar………………….. I unit Urea
B.S.P. Amylase ……………………………………………………… . 2 Units
Uric Acid ………………………………………………… 2 Units
APPENDIX Il–continued
Acid Phosphatase
Alkaline Phosphatase 2 Units
LFT (full-investigations)
Enzymes- Transaminases or Aldolase or CPK, Ca and P04 Latex Tests
17 Ketosteroids Pregnancy Test
Immunoglobulins ………………………………………………………… . 3 Units
Protein + Electrophoresis Creatinine
Glucose Tolerance
d-Xylose Excretion Renal Function
Gastric function-s-
Kay’s Augmented Histamine Hollander’s Post Vagotomy
Endocrine function-«
Water Loan and Dilution……………………………. 3 Units Insulin Tolerance
Stimulation or Suppression 1131 Neck Uptake
Schiling Test …………………………………………………………. . 4 Units
Medical microbiology
Microscopy only-
Blood Films
Stools for Intestinal Parasites
Urine Deposits ………………………………………………………. . 1 Unit
Sputum for A.F.B.
Other Investigations as relevant
APPENDIX II -continued
Microscopy, culture and sensitivity tests
Where relevant-
Urine Examinations Wound Swabs
Throat Swabs ………………………………………………………… . 2 Units
Sputum Samples (excluding TB.) Vaginal Swabs
Pus and Exudates (excluding TB.) …………………………… .
Microscopy, Culture of Faeces with Identification of Pathogens and
Sensitivity Tests where relevant ………………………………………………………….. . 4 Units
Blood Cultures, including Sensitivity Tests where relevant ….. . 3 Units
C.S.F. Examinations, including Protein, Microscopy (Culture and
Sensitivity (excluding TB.) ………………………………………………. . 3 Units
Serological examinations-
V.D.R.L. Test Widal Test
Weil-Felix Test …………………………………………………….. . 4 Units
Brucella agglutinations
A.S.O. Titres
Latex Agglutination Test
Special investigations-
Complement Fixation Tests including R.P.C.F.T. …………. 6 Units Fluorescent Antibody Tests, including FTA-200 ………. . 8 Units
Identification of Bacterial Cultures sent from outside
sources ………………………………………………………………… . 6 Units
T.B. examinations-
Microscopy and culture only on Sputum, Urine, etc ….. . 3 Units
Mycology samples-
Microscopy and Culture ……………………… 4 Units
Identification of Cultures sent from outside ……………… . 4 Units
Venereology samples-
Examination of Discharges, Serology, etc., during entire
course of treatment …………………………………………………. … 10 Units
APPENDlX ll–continued
Miscellaneous Samples for outside Agencies, not listed above ……………………………………………………………………
Biopsy …………………………………………………………………..
PCV, WBC, Platelet Count ……………………………………. .
Blood Film Report ……………………………………………….. .
Haemoglobin Electrophoresis ………………………………… . Prothrombin Time ………………………………………………… .
G6PD Screening Test
Bone Marrow Report ………………………………………………
Serum Iron and Iron binding Capacity ……………………….
Blood transfusion-
Charge to be determined according to nature of samples to be examined
A.B.o. and Phesus Grouping 2 Units
Crossmatching …………………………………………………………………. 3 for 6 Units first 2 pints
2 for each subsequent pint Direct Coombs’ Test ………………………………………………………………..2 Units
Antenatal Antibody Screening …………………………………………………..3 Units
Investigation of Blood Transfusion Reaction ……………………………..10 Units
Abscess of brain
Acute appendicitis Adenoma of Thyroid Amputation of hip
[Section B. V.] Surgical operations Major
Amputation of limbs, except fingers and toes (other) and thigh, shoulder and hip (major) Amputation of penis (total)
Amputation of shoulder Amputation through thigh
Any operation involving intestinal suture Appendicitis (non-acute)
Biliary fistula Carcinoma of the colon Cholecystectomy Cholescy stenterostomy
Closure of faecal fistula or artificial anus
Complete prolapse of rectum involving laparotomy, colostomy or intestinal anastomosis Complicated fistula
Craniotomy Cystectomy Depressed facture Diverticulitis
Double inguinal hernia Drainage of bile ducts Drainage of gall bladder Empyema
Enterotomy, colotomy, colostomy Epithelioma of the anus
Epithelioma of lip with excision of glands
Epithelioma of the tongue with radical operation upon the glands Excision of cysts or tuberculous glands of neck (deep to deep fascia) Excision of larger joints
Excision of rectum Gastrectomy Gastro-enterostomy Gastrostomy
Hernia (strangulated or irreducible) Haemorrhoidectomy
Hydatid of lung or liver
Implantation of radium or randon seeds in the cranium, chest, abdomen or bladder Intestinal obstruction (including Intussusception)
Hernia-inguinal, femoral umbilical or ventral (simple) Imperforate anus
Nephrectomy Litholapaxy
Meningeal haemorrhage Nephrectomy
Perforated ulcer of the alimentary tract Peritonitis (tuberculous, pneumococcal) Prefrontal leucotomy
Pyelo or nephro-lithotomy Radical removal of breast Rammstedt’s operation
Radical operation for anal fissure
Removal of stone from ureter
Rupture of bladder Rupture of urethra Splenectomy
Sacro-coccygeal dermoid sinus Suprapubic cystostomy Sympathectomy Thyroidectomy Transplantation of ureters Tumour of the brain
Subphrenic abscess requiring trans-thoracic or trans-peritoneal access
Abscess of prostate Abscess
Amputation of fingers or toes Amputation of penis (partial)
Any condition treated by surgical diathermy under general anaesthesia, other than mouth, or tongue, or bladder
Blood transfusion (grouping and expenses of donor extra) Castration
Dilation of anus for fissure
Dilation of rectal stricture Dilation of urethra
Diathermy to growths of bladder Division of fibrous anus Examination under anaesthetic
Hydrocele (radical)
Implantation of radium or randon seeds for treatment of skin tumour Implantation of radium or randon seeds except where included under “Major” Induction of pneumotharax
Injection of Gasserian ganglia Injection for pruritus ani Prolapse of rectum
Rectal polypi
Simple removal of whole breast Ischiorecta abscess
Pyelography (not including service of radiologist) Removal of anal warts and anal papillae
Removal of needles from hand or foot or elsewhere
Rodent ulcer not involving bone or eye Sebaceous cysts
Tuberculous caseous glands of neck (curetting) Varicocele
Gynaecological operations Major
Anterior and posterior colporrhaphy with amputation of the cervix (Manchester operation) Anterior and posterior colporrhaphy with vaginal hysterectomy (Mayo-Palmer operation)
Any vaginal operation when combined with coeliotomy, viz, colpoperineoplasty with ventrofixation
Radical excision of vulva and glands Repair of vaginal fistulae
Vaginal hysterectomy Relief of atresia vaginae
Uterus and adnexa
Cyst of the borad ligament Hysterectomy Myomectomy
Salpingectomy (acute inflammation, complicated pyo- or hudro-salpinx, extra-uterine gestation) Ovariotomy
Salpingectomy or Salpingostomy
Anterior and posterior colporrhaphy Colporrhaphy and/or perineorrhaphy Cauterisation
Vul vo- vag inal
Cysts or simple tumour of the vulva and vagina Removal of caruncle
Urethral prolapse Colpotomy
Uterus and adnexa
Dilatation with intra-urane operations Evacuation of retained products
Dilatation Insufflation Removal of polypi
Note: EV A, Biopsy of Cervix, Diagnostic Curretage are excluded, as they count as biopsies and are therefore free.
Ear, nose and throat operations
Extensive operative treatment of malignant disease
Open, i.e. external, operation on the larynx and pharynx (exclusive of laryngotomy)
Open operations on the nasal accessory sinuses
Operations on the temporal bone exclusive of simple Mastoidectomy Simple tracheotomy
Reduction of long standing facial bones
Operative treatment of malignant disease involving skin of face only
Diagnostic peroral endoscopy Opening of quinsies
Mastoidectomy-Drainage of mastoid abscess Myringotomy
Reduction of fractured nose
Operative peroral endoscopy (i.e. bronchoscopy, oesophagoscopy and laryngoscopy) Intra-nasal operations
Removal of tonsils or adenoids Simple removal of nasal polypi
Corneal grafting Conical cornae
Corneal abscision or tattooing Corneal wound
Detachment of retina Epicanthus
Ophthalmic operations Major
Exenteration of lachrymal sac, all methods Exenteration or orbit
Excision of rodent ulcer
Excision of evisceration of eyeball Exploration of orbit
Extraction of senile cataract Glaucoma, acute or chronic Iridectomy
Kronlein’s operation
University College Hospital Act SCHEDULE-continued
Operation for dislocated lens
Reconstruction of eyelids
Needling capsule after senile cataract Needlingjuvenile cataract
Orbital abscess
Randon applications for neoplasm Removal of intraocular foreign body Removal of intraorbital turnours Strabismus
Canaliculus and lachrymal dUCI exploration Cauterisation of coneal ulcer
Chalazion Ectropion Entropion
Excision of pterygium Lachrymal abscess Paracentesis Trichiasis
Removal of superficial dermoid
Removal of foreign body embedded in cornea Suturing lid wounds
Amputation through thigh
Orthopaedic operations Major
Amputation of limbs, except fingers and toes (other) and thigh, shoulder and hip (major) Closed reduction and fixation of fractures involving joints or shafts of larger bones Congenital club foot
Congenital dislocation of the hip Disarticulation of the hip and shoulder
Emergency operations for acute osteomyelitis and acute suppurative arthritis
Excision of cervical rib Excision of larger joints
Internal derangement of the knee and other joints Laminectomy
Open reduction of fractures
Operative treatment of compound fractures Radical operations for bone tumour
Reconstructive operations on bones and joints-arthrodesis arthroplasty
bone grafts
Repair of intricate tendon injuries Secondary nerve sutures
Severe congenital and actuired deformities requiring open correction Spina bifida
Tendon transplantation
Other orthopaedic operations requiring an equivalent degree of surgical skill
Other Excision of bursae communicating with larger joints Manipulation of larger joints
Open correction of simpler deformities- Hallux valgus
Hallux rigidus
Pes cavus unilateral Torticollis
Primary nerve and tendon repairs Amputations of toes and fingers
Application of plaster of Paris casts with or without anaesthesia Hammer toe
Manipulation of smaller joints Removal of exostoses Removal of small bursae
Simple manipulation of.tenotomy and plasters
Plastic surgery operations
Repair of hare-lip and/or cleft palate Repair of syndactyly
Repair of hypospadias Excision of maxilla Excision of mandible Tube pedicle repairs Flap repairs
Major skin grafting operations Skin grafting of major burns Excision of bums
Excision of malignant lesions with plastic repair Macillo-facial injuries, needing plastic repair
Major cosmetic work: e.g. on breast, nose, ears, etc.
Major reconstruction work following cancerous, leprosy infections Vaginal reconstruction
Scar excision Excision of Keloids
Dressings under anaesthesia Dental extractions
Eyelet wiring
Z-plastics and minor flap repairs Excision of sloughs
Excision of benign lesions with plastic repair Minor skin grafts