
Nigerian Laws and Legal Information




  1. Statutory corporations, etc., affected.
  2. Redesignation of chief executive and minor modification of the boards of corporations
  3. Special provisions as to registered companies.
  4. Short title.


Statutory corporations and companies affected


An Act to effect a reconstitution of the board of the statutory corporations affected
to redesignate the chief executive as managing director who shall be a full mem-
ber but not the chairman of the board.

[1985 No. 14.]

[29th M ay, 1985]


1. Statutory corporations, etc., affected

(1) The statutory corporations and companies controlled by the Federal Government
mentioned in the Schedule to this Act (in this Act individually referred to as “corporation
affected”) shall operate and have effect subject to this Act; and where constituted under
any special enactment, that enactment shall be affected by this Act and be deemed to
have been amended to the extent necessary to give effect hereto.


(2) For the purposes of subsection (1) of this section the Nigerian Railway Corpora-
tion Act shall have effect subject to this Act.

[Cap. N129.j


2. Redesignation of chief executive and minor modification of the boards of corpo-

rations affected

(1) The chief executi ve of each corporation, by whatever name heretofore called,
shall on the making of this Act, be known and referred to as the managing director of that corporation.

(2) The managing director of a corporation affected shall be the chief executive of the
corporation and shall be responsible to the board for the implementation of the policy
decisions of the board and for the day-to-day running of the affairs of the corporation

(3) The managing director shall be a member, but not the chairman, of the corpora-
tion and shall have full power to take part as a member of the board in the deliberations
of the board of that corporation, shall count towards the quorum and shall have a vote
with respect to anything falling to be decided by vote at any meeting of the board.

(4) The managing director shall be appointed by the President for a term of four years
in the first instance and renewable for one further period of four years only:

Provided that for the purposes of this subsection, the number of years during which
any person who, at the date of the making of this Act, was the managing director of a
corporation affected had held such office, shall be taken into account in computing his
total number of years in such office.

  1. Special provisions as to registered companies

(1) Where the corporation affected is a company registered under the Companies and
Allied Matters Act, the managing director shall lodge with the Corporate Affairs Com-
mission a copy of this Act together with a certificate relating to that corporation stating
that it is a corporation affected, and the Commission shall file the copy and certificate
without fee and when so filed, the memorandum and articles of association of the com-
pany shall be deemed to be amended to the extent necessary to give effect to this Act.

[Cap. C20.]

(2) A certificate for the purposes of this section shall be signed by the managing di-
rector of the company.

4. Short title

This Act may be cited as the Statutory Corporations (Modification, etc.) Act.

[Section 1 (1 ).]

Statutory corporations and companies affected

(a) Central Water Transportation Company Limited;

(b) National Cargo Handling Company Limited;

(c) National Freight Company Limited;

(d) Nigeria Airways Limited;

(e) Nigerian Ports Authority;

(f) Nigerian Railway Corporation;

(g) Nigerian National Shipping Line Limited.


No Subsidiary Legislation